1. Lorraine & Mark | Celebration

    2024-09-21 20:10:00 UTC
    Hawks Ridge Golf Club, Alpharetta GA

  2. Alex & Justin | Wedding

    2024-05-25 18:19:00 UTC
    Cator Woolford Gardens, Atlanta

  3. Jenna & Wes | Elopement

    2024-03-24 17:10:00 UTC
    Bamboo Forest, Atlanta

  4. Bride And The City | Publication

    2024-01-31 16:10:00 UTC
    New York City Public Library.  Featured in Vows Of Style. Bride and the City Claudia McDade captures the beauty of juxtaposition in this fashion pictorial. The historic New York Public Library and modern gowns by BB NYC marry, creating a collection of imagery that tells a stunning tale of…

  5. Jenny & Alex | Wedding

    2023-11-14 00:40:47 UTC
    Greenpoint Loft, Brooklyn.

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